Health Screening

Health Screening

A private health screen is an important way to check your body for concealed signs of illness and ensure that you stay healthy for the future. Our comprehensive health checks are performed by highly experienced doctors so you are in a safe, trustworthy hands.

Health screening is recommended for everyone; however, it is recommended mostly for people above the age of 40 on annual basis given the rising number of cases of chronic diseases like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and more importantly cancer.


Our health assessments focus on preventative medicine through lifestyle advice, interpreting test results and examination findings.

Health assessments allow you to discuss potential health issues whilst also reinforcing healthy lifestyle. If further investigations are required, our doctors are able to refer you to the relevant health experts.

Silver Health Assessment

30 minutes



  • Medical history and lifestyle assessment



  • Measurements: weight, height, waist circumference, BMI, Blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation
  • Cardiovascular and chest examination



  • Urine analysis
  • Blood test: Full blood count, liver function, Kidney function, electrolytes (Body salts) Cholesterol profile (Total Cholesterol and Triglycrides), Blood glucose, Calcium, uric acid, Iron, Proteins and Albumin.

Gold Health Assessment

45 minutes

Most popular


  • Medical history and lifestyle assessment



  • Measurements: weight, height, waist circumference, BMI, Blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation
  • Full Comprehensive physical examination including head and neck, heart, chest, abdomen, skin, neurological and testicular for men /Breast examination for women.



  • Urine analysis
  • Blood test: Full blood count, liver function, Kidney function, electrolytes (Body salts) Cholesterol profile (Total Cholesterol and Triglycerides), Blood glucose, Calcium, uric acid, Iron, Proteins and Albumin, Thyroid function test and Vitamin D level, Diabetes check HBA1c.
  • Cardiovascular risk assessment over the next 10 years through validated assessment program.

Platinum Health Assessment

60 minutes

Most Comprehensive


  • Medical history and lifestyle assessment



  • Measurements: weight, height, waist circumference, BMI, Blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation
  • Full Comprehensive physical examination including head and neck, heart, chest, abdomen, skin, neurological and testicular for men /Breast examination for women. Prostate examination for men, Pelvic examination / Cervical smear for women (above the age of 25).



  • Urine analysis
  • Blood test: Full blood count, liver function, Kidney function, electrolytes (Body salts) Cholesterol profile (Total Cholesterol and Triglycerides), Blood glucose, Calcium, uric acid, Iron, Proteins and Albumin, Thyroid function test and Vitamin D level, Diabetes check HBA1c.Vitamin B12, Prostate specific antigen PSA for men and CA125 ovarian cancer tumor marker for women.
  • Stool test for bowel cancer screening (Fecal Immunochemical Test) FIT.
  • Cardiovascular risk assessment over the next 10 years through validated assessment program.

A written report containing your results with an expert explanation of your results and life style advice if required. Onward referral or investigation of required.